We have been cooped up for almost three years, and now we can travel freely for the holidays. Check out ways to make traveling this holiday season easy and a happy experience for the entire family.

To Grandmother’s House We Go?

Do you have to visit Grandma and Grandpa again this year?  Do your kids or pets make it difficult to travel over the holidays, the busiest time of year? Think about posing a new family tradition this year. Why not move the Christmas or Hanukkah celebration to your home this year. You would have more time to spend at your house, hosting dinner and family members.

You could also think about coordinating with another relative in town to host the get together. Think about the ease of traveling, weather at your location, and the expense for the family. It never hurts to ask siblings and cousins if they’re up for something a little different this year.

Travel During Off Times

You should also consider your travel days if you do plan on visiting family this holiday season.  Make sure to travel during mid-week, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday rather than the weekends. Airfares are less expensive, and airports are usually less busy during these days.

Keep an eye now if you’ve not booked your tickets already. Airline prices have increased 40% in some instances. Planning now for holiday traveling early is essential to get the best price for your destination.

Put Off Traveling Until the New Year

Finally, put off your travel plans and family celebrations until January. Prices drop due to demand. You can take advantage of the winter rates, vacant airports, and less hassles if you travel in January. You might need to convince your family to put off the parties, but your sanity and wallet will thank you!

You might want to consider combining your new “family tradition” and bring the entire family to a new destination. Tropical locations and inclusive cruises are gaining popularity for families. It’s never too late to try something totally new.  So, ask your family, “What would you like to do for the holidays this year?”